What to Know Down Below™
Welcome to What to Know Down Below™ by Tina’s Wish! We’re here to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to advocate for your own gynecologic health.
Knowledge is power, and we encourage everyone to join us in learning more about what you need to know, down below!
What to Know Down Below™
The Role Genetics Plays in Gynecologic Cancers
The Honorable Tina Brozman Foundation (Tina's Wish)
The Role Genetics Plays in Gynecologic Cancers
Susan Domchek, MD; Medical Oncologist, Executive Director of the Basser Center for BRCA, Penn Medicine
Amanda Ganzak, MS, CGS; Lead Genetic Counselor at Yale School of Medicine
Moderated by Leslie Zmugg, General Counsel at Gordon Brothers and a member of the Tina's Wish Boston Gathering Committee.
To learn more about gynecologic health, visit tinaswish.org/whattoknow.